About The Author

James Lipson

James Lipson Bio Pict

James Lipson's debut book, Fallen and Other Stories, was published in 2019. His short stories have appeared in Black Hare Press Anthologies, Zombie Pirate Publishing, Clarendon Publishing Anthologies, Teleport Magazine and many others.

With a background in art, James has naturally turned to illustrating as he writes, bringing many of his short stories to life not only with descriptive detail, but also detailed visual imagery.

You can find his illustrations and other art work at www.jameslipson.com, www.instagram.com/jameslipsonart/ or www.facebook.com/james.lipson.1654


Books by James Lipson

"There are a lot of stories here set in terrifyingly possible futures, and stories set in worlds that made me, personally, very uncomfortable—but I mean that in the best way. It’s fun to go to these dark, unwelcoming futures and worlds from the comfort and safety of my own home."

- M. Jackson

"James Lipson sure can come up with some endings for his stories. Some endings are sad, some satisfying and some just make you smile, but almost all of them in this book made me go back and read the ending again."

- T. Riley

"James Lipson does an amazing job of navigating his readers through a labyrinth of stories that evoke feelings of salvation, fear, sadness, and intrigue"

- Nikki K.

The Fairie King by James Lipson


From time-to-time, the Fairie King himself enjoys responding to messages. You never know, it could be yours!

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The Fairie King by James Lipson