Official protectors of the Fairie Kingdom, members of the Kings’ Guard hail from all the other clans. Only those that possess the physical and character requirements are admitted to the King’s Guard Academy. They are serious, committed, trustworthy and loyal to the Kingdom and the King, in that order.


The most secretive of all the clans, River Fairies stand 4.75 inches tall. Tightly compacted muscles are used to help them when "flying" underwater. Like sprinters, River Fairies are exceedingly quick over short distances, their obstacle courses are among the most challenging intricate in the Kingdom.


Cheerful, content and happy, Flower Fairies are in a good mood no matter the time of day. Fiercely protective of the Fairie Kingdom's flowers, they prefer to take in the world at a slow glide (flying with the grace of ballet dancers) they enjoy the details and smells missed when moving at top speeds. Some of the Kingdom's best practical jokers come from the Flower clan.


Extremely diligent, conscientious and hard-working, Garden Fairies have the same love of fun as they do work. As focused and serious as they are in the garden, they are equally devoted to enjoying life as much as possible. Their villages are spectacles of visual wonder with enchanting homes built into a variety of fruits and vegetables including; tomato’s, pineapples, watermelons and gourds.


Forest Fairies live in villages and homes hidden deep in the woods, as they prefer a quiet and solitude lifestyle. Thin and streamlined, Forest Fairies learn at an early age how to navigate the dangers of flying through trees, branches and leaves at high rates of speed. Because of this, the Forest Clans have produced some of the best fliers in all the Fairie Kingdom.

From time-to-time, the Fairie King himself enjoys responding to messages. You never know, it could be yours!